When I tell people I'm an attorney, many people's first question is, “What kind of cases do you take?” My favorite answer is, “What kind of case do you have?” People look at me funny, but when they start talking and explaining their situations, I’m pretty regularly able to help. This makes a lot of sense when you think about it: Most people are unsure about whether they “have a case” or if their situation is something that a Family Law attorney would be helpful.
That’s why regardless of what "kind" of case you have, I always start our discussions with, “So tell me what's going on and how I can help.”
This makes sense, right? I mean, the range of legal and personal issues people find themselves in regarding relationships and children is huge. And while every situation is different, I’ve probably dealt with some version of virtually every possible problem in my 30 years as an attorney.
That’s why I’ve found that it’s easier to let people tell me about their situation, to hear about what’s going on, to listen carefully, to help them get beyond the panic and the fear, and to figure out what we can do together.
When I opened Big Decisions HI's (virtual) doors in the Spring of 2022, I wasn't exactly sure what kind of cases I would be working on, but I knew I would be doing two things, regardless of the type of case.
I would be:
1) Helping people avoid family court litigation whenever possible
2) Supporting people in crisis
Because when you’re in a panic and, as a recent caller told me, “freaking out,” it’s good to talk to someone who knows what’s going on, knows what the law and the rules are, who knows how to strategize and plan, and can tell you, from experience, your next best step. If you're ready to get support during this challenging time, book a confidential, complimentary call with me to see how I can help you make Big Decisions.